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Zen-sō Kenjo

33rd Head Priest of Seisoku-ji Temple, Rinzai Zen Sect Kenchō-ji-ha.
Born in Tokyo in 1974. After graduating from high school, he pursued a career as a saxophonist. At the age of 33, he decided to enter the Buddhist priesthood and began Zen practice under Goto Eizan Ro Daishi at Mishima Ryuzawa Sodo. After training and serving as an assistant priest, he assumed the position of head priest at Seisoku-ji Temple in Izu, Shizuoka, in 2013. He seeks inner peace and insight and strives to promote Buddhism (Zen) through artistic expression. The simplicity and delicacy of his art, created with a mind free of attachments, align with the nature of Zen. The representation, born through the pursuit of serene and internal beauty, encourages viewers to find peace and richness in their hearts.

Bodhidharma said, " Spiritual awakening cannot be experienced with words and letters Buddhist revelation through intuitive discernment." Wittgenstein said, " What we cannot speak about we must pass over in silence. " Zen transcends the limits of language. That is why it is possible to feel it consciously, even without letters or words. Gaze into the depths that cannot be expressed in words through the contemporary ink paintings by Zen monks.

“Ensō” In the world of Zen, this extremely simple ink mark, which is made by drawing a circle with a brush and ink, has been called 'ensō'. It has been written by successive generations of priests of the Zen sect, mainly the Rinzai sect, and is also symbolic of Zen teachings. This ensō, which has no beginning and no end, expresses enlightenment, truth, the whole universe, and equality in Zen. It reflects the heart of the viewer. And the interpretation is left to the viewer.


  • 2022 - "10 Priests Who Energize Everyone" (Published by Kosansha)

Solo Exhibitions:

  • May 2023 - "Buddhism Through Art" at Kaikoku Shimoda Minato Gallery (Shizuoka, Shimoda)

  • July 2023 - "Dragon Art Exhibition" at Parthenon Tama Gallery (Tokyo)

  • November 2023 - "Dragon - Prayer and Tranquility" at Tsubomido (Kyoto)

  • March 2024 - "Ink and Water - a contemporary Shiboku expression" at Kenchō-ji Temple (Kamakura)

  • April 2024 - "Dragon" at Atagawa Prince Hotel (Shizuoka, Atagawa)

  • June 2024 - "ZEN" at Auspicious Art (Osaka)

  • June 2024 ~ - "Ensō" at Ensō Art Gallery (Mahón, Menorca, Spain)

Featured Artwork

Enso-Series #6 
Enso-Series #4 
Enso-Series #30 
Enso-Series #29 
Enso-Series #28 
Enso-Series #27 
Enso-Series #2
Enso-Series #1
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